
clonefish->getElementValues() - get the values of all the form elements in an array.


class clonefish {
  array getElementValues( boolean $addslashes )

This method returns an array of element values in an associative array.

Clonefish is transparent by concept: if you rely on the magic quoting feature of PHP, you can use the following method to replace processing $_POST/$_GET/$_COOKIE/$_REQUEST arrays:


= new clonefish( [...] );
$form->addElements$_POSTget_magic_quotes_gpc() );
print_r$form->getElementValuesget_magic_quotes_gpc() );


The code above will return the very same as a print_r( $_POST ); - quoted values if magic_quotes_gpc is set, and unquoted if unset.

Through the very same required parameter in addElements(), getElementValues(), setValue() and getVale() clonefish enforces building safe applications and websites.



The only parameter this method requires is the $addslashes parameter. When set to TRUE, slashes will be added using the built-in addslashes() PHP function for all the values returned. When $addslashes is FALSE, no quotes are added.



print_r$values );


The output:

  'name'     => 'James Bond',
  'id'       => '007',
  'language' => 'en'

form validation for developers!

clonefish is a proven, mature form generator class that helps PHP developers to create, validate and process secure, flexible and easy-to-maintain forms
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