
This is the config array for clonefish which generates the form you've just seen. How can you use such an array?


'Some extra layout with the "template" input type.
    Note the <code>display =&gt; 0</code> parameters in
    the configuration! This helps creating complex 
    form layouts while it\'s still easy to validate and edit.

'<tr %errorstyle%>'.
'<td><label for="%id%">%displayname%</label></td>'.

$config = Array(

'name' => Array(
'type'           => 'inputText',
'displayname'    => 'Your name',

'email' => Array(
'type'           => 'inputText',
'displayname'    => 'Your e-mail address',
'newsletter' => Array(
'type'           => 'inputCheckbox',
'display'        => 0,
'displayname'    => 'Do you want to receive our free newsletter?',
'rowlayout'      => $different_rowlayout,

'really' => Array(
'type'           => 'inputCheckbox',
'display'        => 0,
'displayname'    => 'Do you REALLY want to receive our free newsletter?',
'rowlayout'      => $different_rowlayout,
'marketing' => Array(
'type'           => 'inputCheckbox',
'display'        => 0,
'displayname'    => 'May we contact you for marketing purposes?',
'rowlayout'      => $different_rowlayout,
'value' => 'Y',
'onvalue' => 'Y',
'offvalue' => 'N',

'template' => Array(
'type'  => 'template',
'value' => 
'<table>' .
'%newsletter%' .
'%really%' .
'%marketing%' .

'comments' => Array(
'type'           => 'textarea',
'displayname'    => 'Your comments',
'html'           => 'cols="20" rows="5"',



usage example

To create a form using this array you'll only need a few lines of code:


// create the form object
$clonefish = new clonefish'loginform''test.php''POST' );

// setup codepage so your data will be handled
// perfectly by the appropriate string functions
$clonefish->codepage         'utf-8';
$clonefish->multibytesupport 'multibyteutf8';

// add the form elements (fields) pre-filled with
// values from $_POST
$clonefish->addElements$config$_POSTget_magic_quotes_gpc() );

// validate the form if the form has been submitted
if ( count$_POST ) && $clonefish->validate() ) {
// form is valid, go and store values in database, etc.
  // $clonefish->getElementValues() provides a 
  // normalized value array.
// if the form wasn't submitted yet or the validation
  // had failed, show the form (automatically
  // including error messages)
$clonefish->getHTML() .


But there's so much more than just displaying the form - be sure to read the
reference pages and the introduction!