This is the config array for clonefish which generates the form you've just seen. How can you use such an array?
$config = Array(
'name' => Array(
'type' => 'inputText',
'displayname' => 'Enter your name',
'validation' => Array(
Array( 'type' => 'required' ),
'acceptrules' => Array(
'type' => 'inputCheckbox',
'displayname' => 'Do you accept<br>site rules?',
'help' => 'You have to accept the site rules to continue',
'validation' => Array(
Array( 'type' => 'required' ),
'drink[]' => Array(
'type' => 'select',
'displayname' => 'Drink',
'help' => 'Select some drink!',
'values' => Array(
0 => 'cafe',
1 => 'hot chocolate',
2 => 'milk',
3 => 'yoghurt' ),
'html' => 'multiple="multiple"',
'validation' => Array(
Array( 'type' => 'required' ),
'think' => Array(
'type' => 'inputRadio',
'displayname' => 'What do you think?',
'help' => 'Please tell us what you think!',
'values' => Array(
0 => 'no',
1 => 'yes',
2 => 'maybe',
'validation' => Array(
Array( 'type' => 'required' ),
To create a form using this array you'll only need a few lines of code:
// create the form object
$clonefish = new clonefish( 'loginform', 'test.php', 'POST' );
// setup codepage so your data will be handled
// perfectly by the appropriate string functions
$clonefish->codepage = 'utf-8';
$clonefish->multibytesupport = 'multibyteutf8';
// add the form elements (fields) pre-filled with
// values from $_POST
$clonefish->addElements( $config, $_POST, get_magic_quotes_gpc() );
// validate the form if the form has been submitted
if ( count( $_POST ) && $clonefish->validate() ) {
// form is valid, go and store values in database, etc.
// $clonefish->getElementValues() provides a
// normalized value array.
// if the form wasn't submitted yet or the validation
// had failed, show the form (automatically
// including error messages)
"<html><body>" .
$clonefish->getHTML() .