required validation requires checkbox input field text password textarea length option checked

required validation

  • For an inputText, inputHidden, inputPassword, textarea or FCKEditorArea2 field it examines if the length of the input field is not zero without the trailing and leading whitespace.
  • For an inputCheckbox, it requires the checkbox to be checked
  • For an inputRadio, inputRadioDynamic, a multiple select, a multiple selectDynamic or a multiple selectFile it requires at least one option to be selected
  • For inputCheckboxDynamic element (checkbox group) you can finetune how many checkboxes must be checked (min/max number)


  • If you'd like to make an inputFile mandatory, you'll need to use the 'required' parameter of the file validation.
  • You can achieve the opposite of this validation using the 'required' parameter available for several validation types: this way you can accept valid or empty fields, for example a valid number OR an empty field.


= Array(    

'element' => Array(    

'type' => '...',    
// ...further element settings here...    

'validation' => Array(     


'type'    => 'required'
// only for inputCheckboxDynamic:
'minimum' => 1// default: 1 
'maximum' => 5  // default: false (no maximum)
'help'    => 'Help message value for this validator only'


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